Who Are We?

We are starting a new section this month: “Who Are We?” — It will be a place for us to collect articles like Carol Ellick’s archaeological report on Wes Miller Park in the current newsletter.

But we need your help. Especially if your last name is Fee or Nelson or Bergan or McCullough or Jacobs or Alter or…. there are surely many more I don’t know yet. What I’m looking for is everyone who knows something about our neighborhood that I don’t know.

You can either write a comment below, or email Remember@HiddenValleyTucson.com, or you can just stop me walking on the street, or call me (during daylight hours, please). We need to get the memories out of your heads and down on paper before we don’t have those memories to rely on anymore. So, hey, take a few minutes and write about some interesting or amusing story about our neighborhood. We will collect these on our “Who Are We?” page, along with photos or videos you might have to share with us.

Meanwhile, I am looking at our neighborhood census data from 2020 and previous decades. We will soon have a report on some interesting facts about us from there.

We have a story to tell. Help us tell it.


Mike Oliver.