From Our President: Our Neighborhood Watch Needs YOU!

Our Hidden Valley community has one of the lowest crime rates in the county. That is due in no small part to a robust neighborhood watch program. This program is organized with Block Leaders, led by an Area Leader. A Block Leader keeps an eye out for any suspicious activity in the neighborhood and reports that to the Neighborhood Watch Area Leader. The Area Leader is our liaison to the Sheriff’s Department.

The Pima County Sheriff, Chris Nanos, has lauded our program and has been a regular attendee at our annual meetings.

Bob Larkin has been our Area Leader for over eight years. But now he has decided to step down. Bob has done a wonderful job in this role and we will miss the dedication he has given us. We are actively looking for a replacement for Bob.

Please consider taking on this responsibility. If you walk, bike or drive through the neighborhood regularly, you could easily do this. The Neighborhood Watch Leader never confronts individuals, but rather reports to the Sheriff anything that looks suspicious or out of the ordinary. Our community is safe because we care about each other.

Please consider taking on this role.  If you’d like more information about what is involved please give me, Norie Nelson, a call at 520-668-4745 and I’ll be happy to talk with you in more detail.  We really want to make sure this position is filled quickly.


Norie Nelson, President, Hidden Valley Homeowner’s Association of Tucson, Inc.