Should we tell folks to yield?

In the comments on their membership renewal, one of our neighbors wrote, “Need a Yield sign at Moonstone & Hummingbird”.

Finding this to be a point for more input, we are opening up comments for this post, so you can respond. Comments will be moderated, so they won’t post immediately (and not at all if weird or offensive). This should, though, be something worthy of some neighborhood conversation.

What do you think?

9 Comments on “Should we tell folks to yield?

  1. My wife says “Definitely Yes!”. But I wonder if that means we should ask for stop signs at the rest of our intersections as well… Granted, this Y-junction is a more dangerous angle than most. But do we have to have signs to tell us how and when and in what way to be intelligent and caring human beings?

  2. Yes, please. A yield sign, a slow down sign, prune some of the greenery for better visibility, or (gasp!) a speed hump. People driving too fast is what makes the merge precarious.

  3. Moonstone is a thru street, any time you enter on to a thru street you should yield.I believe that is basic driving law.

  4. Yes, please! We certainly do. My husband makes it a point to remind me to be careful at that intersection every day! Trimming the greenery at the corner is also a great suggestion. 🙂

  5. I think a stop sign would be better than a yield sign. I am careful when coming up the hill, and was able to stop in time when an SUV shot through from Hummingbird without looking a few weeks ago. The driver was going fast enough that she had to use the wrong side of Moonstone to make the corner. I also would like to see a stop sign where Webster meets Ocotillo, as I have had to stop for drivers turning right without looking.

  6. Good idea, I agree with the need for a yield sign and hope people actually yield. I also agree with Bob L that people should know Moonstone has the right of way but I’ve seen many not look or yield.

  7. There have been no accidents there that I’m aware of. I agree with Bob and hope that without a sign folks will drive slower up Moonstone anticipating cars coming from Hummingbird. Additionally, we have many streets that have that same situation in Hidden Valley. Let’s keep the speed down!