Hidden Valley Rocks the Holidays!

The holiday HVHOA events were really fun and well attended this year.
Mary Ann Jacobs and Linda Maddox thought it would be fun to gift neighbors whose homes were extraordinarily decorated with a little something special this year. With gifts in mind, the board members and friends got together to paint rocks, which were gifted to 25 homeowners. These were distributed with holiday cards of thanks to the homeowners who went above and beyond with their outdoor decorations, regardless of whether or not the neighbors were HOA members. If you witnessed people in the dark near your mailbox on Dec 19th, fear not. It was the HOA elves!

The Holiday social was hosted by Anne and Gary Catren. Around 52 guests attended. Everyone brought the most delicious appetizers and good cheer.

We collected a trunk load of foods and hygiene products that were delivered to Youth on Their Own and the Salvation Army Pantries. Thank you to those who so generously donated.
A response from one of our neighbors:
I’m not sure who to direct this to, but I just wanted to say thank you for a gift that appeared at our mailbox from the HOA. A little before Christmas we found a very nice card thanking us for our holiday lights along with a beautiful hand-painted rock. We really appreciate the card and the gift. We also appreciate the fact that the HOA is trying to encourage holiday lights. Our family loves to walk around the neighborhood enjoying the lights at this time of year. A big place like Winterhaven is fun, but better still to have a festive neighborhood at home! Happy holidays!
Where did you ever find all of those rocks to paint!
Ha ha!
Celia, the rocks were purchased from D&D Materials on 22nd St. The last thing we wanted to do was to take them out of neighbor’s yards 🙂 And the ones at the Wes Miller Park were not suitable in size.