Community = Neighbors Together

Dear HOA Member,

I hope this message finds you well. As a valued member of our community, I am reaching out to you with a special request that aligns with our collective spirit of compassion and support for those in need.

Our community has recently welcomed a number of new arrival refugees who have fled their home countries seeking safety and refuge. While we endeavor to provide them with essential support and resources, we recognize the need for additional funding to ensure their successful integration and empowerment.

To this end, we are seeking assistance from within our community to draft a grant proposal aimed at securing funding for programs and initiatives that will benefit our new arrival refugee population. We believe that by harnessing the diverse talents and skills of our HOA members, we can create a compelling proposal that resonates with potential funders and helps us meet the needs of the new arrival refugee effectively.

If you have experience or expertise in grant writing, or if you know someone within our community who does, we would greatly appreciate your contribution to this important endeavor. Your involvement could make a significant difference in the lives of those who have been displaced from their homes and are now seeking to rebuild their lives in our community.

The proposed grant will focus on initiatives such as:

  • Providing language and vocational training to facilitate refugees’ integration into the workforce.
  • Offering mental health and trauma support services to help refugees cope with past experiences and adapt to their new environment.
  • Establishing community integration programs to foster social cohesion and inclusivity.
  • Providing access to affordable housing and healthcare services for vulnerable refugee families.

Your assistance in drafting this grant proposal would not only be a testament to our community’s commitment to compassion and solidarity but also a tangible step towards making a positive impact in the lives of those who need it most.

If you are willing and able to help with this initiative, or if you know someone who might be interested, please don’t hesitate to reach out to me directly. Your support and involvement are greatly appreciated.

Thank you for considering this request, and thank you for your ongoing dedication to our community.

Warm regards,

Soma U. Goldman

Licensed Professional Realtor

Next Home Complete Realty

Office: 4007 E Broadway Blvd

Tucson, AZ 85711

Cell: 520-869-4029