Home Insurance Rates Are Going Up!

Home Insurance Rates Are Going Up!

Friendly reminder to our Hidden Valley neighbors! Be on the lookout for Homeowner’s Insurance hikes in 2024. All companies are increasing rates, so this is a good time to check when your renewal period is and potentially shop around. With the Catalina fires we had a few years ago, carriers may see us as a “higher risk” area. When you shop around for the best rates, make sure to mention you live in a “Certified FireWise Neighborhood”. This could help reduce your yearly cost. If you need an insurance broker, we have a trusted recommendation that we’ve been working with for years, feel free to reach out. We hope this is helpful!

Reminder courtesy of: Your Neighborhood Watch Team: Amber and Paul Leschak with Long Realty. Paul: 520-270-3106 or Amber: 520-784-3756

Link for the full article here.