Trailer and ATVs Stolen

Hope this finds you well 🙂

We received an email from a concerned neighbor about a theft at 8501 E Solar Place. In the middle of the night, Thursday July 18th, an ATV trailer was stolen from the front of the property. It was not locked down, so it was easy to hitch and tow away. After speaking with the owner (Dale Calder), he said they’ve been in the home for about a year and this trailer has sat in this same spot since then, except when they’re using it. He knows that he should’ve had it locked, or chained to a tree, but was still surprised it happened up here. 

He mentioned a week prior, a gentleman came to his door soliciting his painting business, he didn’t let him inside, but after this theft he remembered that person combing the neighborhood. He’s not sure if the two are connected, but the Sheriff’s Department told him this is one of the leading ways property like this gets stolen. People pretending to solicit, but really are casing the neighborhood for an easy steal. It’s good that the Sheriff’s Department was notified, but if possible, there are a few things Dale would like the HOA to put out there:

1) If anyone has a Ring doorbell or cameras that point towards the road, and could have potentially caught any activity throughout the night on July 18th, he’d be greatly appreciative of any neighbor checking their footage. It’d be houses along the first part of Amethyst Lane, Cheyenne Lane, Bauxite and Solar Place.

2) If anyone else had encounters with the soliciting painter and got their info, he’d be interested in that as well. 

3) And just a reminder to lock up all property of value that stays stagnant for periods of time on your property or near your home. Especially if you plan to be gone for any length of time. As well as be cautious of all solicitors.