Coolest HVHOA Picnic Ever!

With our new canopies and beverage coolers, this had to have been the coolest picnic ever, despite sunny skies and temperatures in the high 90’s. About 50 attendees showed up, including several new member. The canopies gave shade and shelter to us all (see pics).
But, sadly, we didn’t see many potential members show up. We have 396 properties in our neighborhood. About 368 are actually households and therefore potential members. (The others are commercial properties, access roads, utilities, government-owned, or our park.) So maybe 1000 people could have attended: Where were you all?
Our pot luck worked out well. There was plenty to eat and not too much left over. We talked and ate, and President Felix Gafner presented a plaque honoring Pete Cinquemani that we will be mounting at the park. Mary Ann Jacobs, our Social Events Director coordinated our traditional raffle. And by 4 pm, everything was wrapped up and closed down. Thanks, team, for the help.