HVHOA Board Elections Upcoming: 2 open positions

HVHOA 2025 Officers and Directors Elections 

At the March meeting of the Hidden Valley Homeowners Association, candidates for open positions on the 2025 Association Board will be considered. Current members of the Association are encouraged to apply.

Positions we need to fill are Vice President and Web Content Manager. If you would like to apply for a position, contact Kelly Relich at BylawsAndLegal@HiddenValleyTucson.com or leave a message at our HVHOA voicemail at (520) 344-4823‬. 

The March meeting will be held on March 5, at 7pm, at the home of Kathy and Jack Bergen, 8415 E. Rawhide Trail. If you plan to attend, please notify Kathy at bergankathy@gmail.com.

Job description for the Web Content Manager is attached. To learn about the Vice President position, please contact Felix Gafner at President@hiddenvalleytucson.com.

Candidates for open positions will be voted on by the current Board at the April meeting. Installation of new officers will be announced at the May annual meeting, which is also open to all Association members. 

Here is our current slate of officers:

Past President*Norie Nelson
President*Felix Gafner
SecretaryIIene Oliver
TreasurerKathy Bergan
Architectural Review DirectorAllan Honda
By-Laws/Legal DirectorKelly Relich
Database ManagerMike Oliver
FireWise DirectorRichard Flores
Membership DirectorDonna Fullerton
Neighborhood Watch DirectorPaul & Amber Leschak
Newsletter EditorRick Holladay
Wes Miller Park DirectorLee Alter
Social Events DirectorMary Ann Jacobs
Director-At-LargeBen Jacobs
WebmasterMike Oliver