Your Neighbor Doesn’t Want Your Dog Waste

(One of our neighbors wrote us asking this:)

I’m wondering if we could send a request to the community to kindly stop placing dog waste bags in people’s trash cans.  Just about every week I get home on Monday to find that someone has left a poop bag in our trash bin that we placed on the street that morning for pickup.  The thin bags don’t really keep the smell locked in, and they are prone to rupturing when trash is dropped on top of them.  We have to keep our bin inside our garage because of the javelinas that wander our area, and we can’t  leave poop in it or it stinks up the whole garage.  We’re dog owners ourselves, and we appreciate folks bagging up their waste, but this is a nuisance to us, and I suspect others in the neighborhood as well.  Can you please ask that our members respectively abstain from doing this?