Join, Renew or Change Membership Info

This form has three parts: The top identifies your property as being eligible for membership. The mailing address is only needed if the owner is not resident in Hidden Valley. The third section elicits personal contact information for members of your family, including yourself. A button at the bottom (just above Submit) will allow you to add copies of this last section for additional family.

Note: Fields marked with an asterisk (*) are required.

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How are you using this form?
One Hidden Valley Homeowner Association membership per residency; membership applies to all members of the household.
Publish Your Home Address
If Home Address is not published, Name, Home Phone, Cell Phone and Email Address will still be published according to their own settings.
Property Owner Name is checked against public data for verification, but is not published in our Roster.

Mailing Address of Property Owner

Mailing Address is only needed if it differs from your street number and street name in Hidden Valley. Mailing Addresses are not published in the Roster.
Mail Address of Property Owner

Household Members

Personal contact information for household members, including, first, yourself. Up to 10 household members can be registered. At least one contact is required.

Household Member

(Use of informal names is fine here. This is for community reference, not legal documentation.)
Relation to Property
Publish Your Name
If no names are published for a member, there will be no entry for that address in our Roster at all.
This field is optional.
Mobile Texts
Publish Mobile Phone
This field is optional. It can be used for a home phone, work phone, or second mobile phone.
Other Phone Type
Publish Other Phone
Publish Email
Email Update Frequency