No More Late Night Harassment, Please!

Our neighbors are being harassed again by teens who are old enough to know better. This is a real disappointment, children. You could spend that same energy helping someone. Yeah, you are bored. So use your brain and your heart and your body to help others, not to harass folks. Here’s the report from our neighbor:


Last night, just after midnight, a group of three teenagers rang our doorbell and pounded on our house for the fourth time. This time, we called the police and shared the video with them. They saw the kids and gave chase. I don’t know if they were caught, but we are pressing trespassing charges if they were. Here is the video. I did not want to pursue this route, but enough is enough. We tried talking to the kids. We contacted some of the parents when one of the kids was recognized previously, but nothing has come of it. I wanted to let you know so that it can be communicated more widely with other folks in the neighborhood. These things happening to us are unfortunate, but we are tired of being the target of these frightening pranks.

Also, I renewed our membership to the HOA today so we can be more engaged with the community. We love living here, and everyone has been kind and supportive. 
