HVHOA Board Meeting Minutes of September 4, 2024

The attached minutes are for the Board of Directors Meeting held September 4, 2024. These minutes are NOT AS YET approved by the board. Note: These minutes have been updated. In the third paragraph, we referenced the Sabino Canyon Crawler Adventure as having a date of “December 14”. The correct date for the Sabino Canyon Crawler is September 14, as has been now corrected in the minutes below.

3 Comments on “HVHOA Board Meeting Minutes of September 4, 2024

  1. One of our neighbors sent in this comment on the opposition to the bus line at the bottom of the minutes:

    “I don’t understand the reasoning for opposing the bus line running up Sabino
    Canyon Rd. Is it fear of homeless people entering the neighborhood? It seems like it would be a service to many folks who work up here but don’t necessarily have reliable transportation.”

    So I have opened up comments to other reactions…

  2. We are also curious to know why the HOA board would oppose a bus line running up Sabino Canyon Rd. We are also interested in learning a bit more about this project, as a web search reveals nothing.

    A good transit system enhances a city.

  3. This is Felix, President of the HVHOA. First of all, I appreciate your participation in this discussion.

    We broached the subject of the bus route in a previous meeting and decided to have a more formal discussion with everybody coming prepared to the meeting of September 4. In the previous meeting there was at least one undecided person and one person leaning favorably for the bus route. In the meeting on September 4., the opposition was unanimous. Obvious reasons in favor are and were mentioned such as:

    -Inexpensive transportation
    -Providing labor to businesses
    -Reducing pollution
    -A good transit system enhances a city

    Unfortunately, except for reducing pollution, which we considered to be minimal, the board couldn’t come up with any true upsides for the residents. Considering the demographics, the disfunction of public transportation in other parts of the city, the heat, and the culture, public transportation, particularly in our area, we dared to say, would practically not be used by residents.

    Mentioned as downsides were mostly, as you mentioned, homeless and drug traffic.

    As HOA we see our mandate to be keeping the neighborhood safe, clean, desirable, and maintain the values of our homes, which, with this decision, we have served mentioned mandate.

    I believe the consensus was that our idealism only goes so far. The question is: do we really want to take any risks to our peaceful and clean neighborhood with those changes? The unanimous answer was NO.

    Here a link to the Long Range Regional Tranist Plan: https://pagregion.com/wp-content/docs/pag/2020/09/PAG_LRRTP_FinalPlan_Jan2020.pdf

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