Hidden Valley Fall Picnic, Oct. 26, 1-4pm

We invite you to join us at the Fall Picnic at Wes Miller Park, to be held on October 26, 1:00 pm to 4:00 pm. It’s a great time to enjoy a bounty of food, the great outdoors, and the company of your neighbors. More information about the picnic will be sent out via email and posted on the website in October.

With the aim of promoting interest of new members, this picnic will be open to non-members, as well as members. To join us, you will need to live in the boundaries of our neighborhood. That’s it. But expect that we will be asking you to join and contribute to our community!

Questions? Call 520-344-4823 and leave us a voicemail. Or text that number. Or email socialevents@hiddenvalleytucson.com.

Come on! Join us!