August 2023 Newsletter
Dear Neighbors:
The neighborhood looks quite different when the temps exceed 100 degrees day after day – walkers and bikers are out as soon as it’s light and some dogs are sporting socks to help protect their paws.
Richard Flores who manages our Firewise Program has a post here on the HOA website about recent Firewise activity and info on Firewise assessments. Please take a look. As a reminder, send a note to Richard listing what you have spent on your property for clean up, tree trimming, weed removal, etc. to date. Richard compiles all this info including what we expend on park cleanup and maintenance and submits it to the Firewise Program. Hidden Valley sometimes qualifies for grants from the Forest Service to help with costs of fire prevention efforts. Remember to check with your Home Insurance provider because some of them give homeowners a credit if they reside in a Firewise community. Richard’s email is
The welcome monsoon gives us an opportunity to preserve some of that precious water. We can collect water for use in the landscape. With the creation of berms on your property you can redirect water where it will do some good. Put a bucket in your shower and collect water while you wait for the right temp. Then you can use it for your plants. The Watershed Management Group has many water saving ideas. Check out their website for ideas about what you can do.
In the years I’ve served as President of our homeowner’s association many of you have told me how much you enjoy living in this community and what a great place it is to live! I couldn’t agree more and one of the reasons it is such a lovely community is the many programs we have to offer our members from pet finding, social events, the park, Firewise and Neighborhood Watch.
However, the Neighborhood Watch Program needs a leader. Bob Larkin managed this program for over 8 years but can no longer serve. I’ve reached out personally to a few of you, but apparently my powers of persuasion are lacking and so far no one has stepped up . Basically, the leader of Neighborhood Watch works with block leaders keeping an eye out for any activity that might be suspicious and reports that to the Pima County Sheriff’s Dept. You don’t have to confront anyone ever- just be the eyes and ears for our community. Thanks for considering serving. Call me if you have questions at 520-668-4745.
We are going to participate this year in a state-wide program called GAIN (Getting Arizona Involved in Neighborhoods). We are modeling this after our ‘Meet on the Street” program. From September 24-October 7 several members will congregate outside their homes/driveways to get to know each other better. So far Norie Nelson, Mary Ann and Ben Jacobs, Felix and Lupita Gafner, Gary and Anne Catren and others will “Meet You On Their Streets. If you are interested in hosting let me know. More information is coming. One of the reasons HV is safe is because we know our neighbors and look out for them. So GAIN WITH HV!
Ilene Oliver and Donna Fullerton are spearheading this year’s support for Youth ON Their Own. This program helps high school kids stay in school by providing housing and transportation assistance as well as help with food and school supplies. More information will follow shortly but what you can supply is non-perishables like cereal, canned foods, canned juice, pasta and sauce, peanut butter, jelly, toilet paper, soap, shampoo and conditioner, feminine hygiene products.
Cash contributions are always welcome to Youth ON Their Own. Ilene and Donna will send a notice out soon as to where to drop off your contributions. Thanks in advance for your thoughtful support. You can read all about the program and see testimonial for the kids on their website.

Our next board of directors meeting is September 6 at the home of Felix and Lupita Gafner, 8170 E Rawhide Trail. All members are always welcome.
Please let the Gafners know if you will attend:
See you in the neighborhood. Norie Nelson