We tend to think that once a Census is done, they just release the data. But there are years of work to make sure data is correct and makes as much sense as possible. Here are some interesting statistics from the Census, along with sensible advice on how to think about and use this data. Census data is vital to a democratic republic. It is our job, as citizens, to know our nation, state, and local area as best that we can.

Dear neighbors: Our Annual Meeting last night included election of officers as follows: OFFICERS:President (1-year term): Norie NelsonPresident-Elect: Felix GafnerVice President: —- open position —-Treasurer: Kathy BerganSecretary: Ilene Oliver DIRECTORS:Social Events and Activities: Mary Ann JacobsWes Miller Park: Pete CinquemaniLegal and …

Summary of the Annual Meeting held May 3, 2023 Read more »