Arrest in the Neighborhood
A Member wrote us: Today I had an encounter with a door knocker. I did not open my door to him, as he returned to the street I called out, asking his purpose and ID. Things escalated verbally. I called …
Recent local news.
A Member wrote us: Today I had an encounter with a door knocker. I did not open my door to him, as he returned to the street I called out, asking his purpose and ID. Things escalated verbally. I called …
The United States Census Bureau collects data to help us understand our world. Recently, they announced their “Opportunity Atlas”. The picture it paints tells something about us. Redder areas have less opportunity. Greener areas have greater opportunity. The image featured …
Courtesy of, here are the current real estate numbers for our neighborhood as of August 11, 2024.
The attached minutes are for the Board of Directors Meeting held August 7, 2024. These minutes are now approved by the board.
You can now go online to reserve facilities at Pima County Parks & Recreation. See more here.
From Sweetwater to Gray Water, Water Matters is the newsletter of Tucson Water. Stay afloat in the swirling tides of water issues.
Hope this finds you well 🙂 We received an email from a concerned neighbor about a theft at 8501 E Solar Place. In the middle of the night, Thursday July 18th, an ATV trailer was stolen from the front of …
We have added a “Member Only” page under “About Us“. On that page are two new items: a breakdown of property ownership in the Hidden Valley area, and an Interactive Property Ownership Map. The Map will likely require the Webmaster …
One of our neighbors forwarded this article. On reading it, I see why: It reminds us of the importance of keeping a good neighborhood together. Who we are and what we stand for matters. This is nothing earth-shattering: We are …
Why? Why do we need more complexity? We don’t. But sometimes it is helpful to be able to get information to our members and just to our members… avoiding things going out to the entire world on the internet. Starting …