Join, Renew or Change Membership Info

Note: Fields marked with an asterisk (*) are required.

Please separate multiple names, numbers or emails with a slash(/). Examples:

  • Your name(s)*: John Smith / Mary Smith / Bill Jones
  • Your phone(s)*:Mary: 520-555-1234 (cell) / Bill: 520-555-2121 (work) / Home: 520-555-4321
  • Your email(s)*: John: johnjacobsmith@fakenet.zzz / Mary: maryculligansmith@fakenet.zzz

    Application for*:

    Show Name(s) in Roster?*

    Show Address in Roster?*

    Show Email in Roster?*

    Show Phone(s) in Roster?*

    Mailing Address (if different from Hidden Valley address):

    (Mailing addresses that differ from the Hidden Valley address are not included in our roster.)

    (Comments are not published in our Roster, they are just things you might want us to know.)

    How often would you like to receive email notices of website updates/news?

    By submitting this form, you are applying for, renewing or changing information for a membership in Hidden Valley Homeowner's Association of Tucson, Inc.