Latest News

  • The Birds of Wes Miller Park
    This month Francis Morgan, a well-published, Tucson-based wildlife photographer, requested access to Wes Miller Park to photograph the birds there. We said, “Sure, but could you send us some of your pictures for our neighbors to view?” So here they are. [Pictures are copyrighted (c) 2024 by Francis Morgan and may only be used with permission.] You may also want to view Morgan’s own curation on his website at:
  • 2025 Membership Drive Launched!
    It’s that time of year when we encourage residents to join the Hidden Valley Homeowners Association, or renew their memberships, for 2025. Hidden Valley HOA is a voluntary association, and dues are only $65.00 annually.  Members enjoy many benefits, including access to our Membership Roster, use of Wes Miller Park (including for your own events), and special events. We invite you to join us at the Fall picnic at Wes Miller Park, to be held on October 26, 1:00pm-4:00pm. It’s a great time to enjoy a bounty of food, the great outdoors, and the company of your neighbors. More information …

    2025 Membership Drive Launched! Read More »

  • Lives Depend on Your Voting Responsibly
    The decisions our country makes are ours to determine. Oh, yeah, there are other factors involved, for sure. But we have the responsibility as eligible citizens to vote for those propositions and persons we feel will most likely effect our future safety and happiness. Here below is the Arizona General Election Publicity Pamphlet. It covers the 13 statewide propositions, as well as details about how to vote and to participate. It is a hard read, and it is long. This is your job. Just do it. Well. (There is a Voting Guide section from page 351 to page 353 that …

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  • Doing Yard Work? Get Credit!
    With cooler weather coming, lots of us will be getting out and working on our yards. Some will use landscapers and gardeners. Some will go it on their own. Either way, click on the button “FireWise Credit for Yardwork”, here or on the Home Page. Reporting is straight-forward, and your data helps us retain our FireWise Certification so that home insurance stays low and home safety stays high.
  • International Friends Needs Hosts
    International Friends, founded in 1952, is an affiliate of the University of Arizona. It was established to give support to international students from around the world. This year is the biggest year yet for International Friends. There are students from places including: Bangladesh, Cambodia, China, Iran, India, Japan, Nigeria, Peru, and Uzbekistan pursuing degrees in areas like: biochemistry, business analytics, business management, data science, English language and literature, health sciences, journalism, physics and astronomy, and world literature. This is not a live-in program; most of these students live on or near the University of Arizona campus. Many are traveling from …

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  • Celebrate Hispanic Heritage Month
    Lots of interesting events and fiestas to celebrate Tucson’s Hispanic Heritage.
  • Sept. 9 Issue of “Under the Dome”
    Sept. 9 Issue of “Under the Dome” – a newsletter from Pima County Administrator Jan Lesher provides some interesting news on a DHS grant, County Development Services lowering costs, the County paying down its debt, and a new Northwest Service Center opening.
  • HVHOA Board Meeting Minutes of September 4, 2024
    The attached minutes are for the Board of Directors Meeting held September 4, 2024. These minutes are NOT AS YET approved by the board. Note: These minutes have been updated. In the third paragraph, we referenced the Sabino Canyon Crawler Adventure as having a date of “December 14”. The correct date for the Sabino Canyon Crawler is September 14, as has been now corrected in the minutes below.
  • Neighborhood Real Estate Values as of September 4, 2024
    Courtesy of, here are the current real estate numbers for our neighborhood as of September 4, 2024.
  • Wes Miller Park Director Bids Farewell
    For more than 17 years, Pete Cinquemani has served as our Wes Miller Park Director. He has arranged for Christmas tree recycling, regular Green Waste dumpsters, park improvements, park policing, and annual park cleanups. He has coordinated with Watershed Management, Nature Conservancy, the Forest Service, the Sheriff’s Department, the Fire Department, and various park users and neighbors. He has also coordinated our HVHOA Picnic setup and cleanup, and cooked for the picnics. It is now time for Pete to hand in his resignation. We tried to tell him there would be a gold watch after 25 years, but Pete says …

    Wes Miller Park Director Bids Farewell Read More »

  • Time to Trim Your Over-Growth!
    It’s been a rainful monsoon season. We are grateful for the water that we all need. But it’s also time, now, for each of us to patrol our yard and trim up those overhanging branches, blocking bushes, and creeping cacti. Especially if you live on a curve or a corner. Good visibility helps everyone stay safe. Thanks, neighbor!
  • Covenants, Conditions, and Restrictions
    The Board of Directors of the Hidden Valley Homeowner’s Association of Tucson, Inc. (HVHOA) has asked us to remind our neighbors, both members and not, that Covenants, Conditions, and Restrictions (CC&Rs) applicable to every subdivision in our neighborhood need to be followed. Yes, the HVHOA can even take people to court to enforce them. But, really, folks: We are mature adults of good character and don’t need someone else to police us. Take a few moments to read your CC&Rs and confirm that you are adhering to them. If you have renters, drive by and check on how they are …

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  • Drivers Doing Donuts after Dark
    Neighbor Lynn Klimo posted this to our HVHOA page on NextDoor: Just FYI- please do be careful walking through the lot at corner of Snyder and Amethyst. Lately there have been random cars using it shortly after dark as a place to do donuts and such. I am fearful they may hit a person or animal. Be cautious. Thank you. Check out this post on Nextdoor:​
  • No More Late Night Harassment, Please!
    Our neighbors are being harassed again by teens who are old enough to know better. This is a real disappointment, children. You could spend that same energy helping someone. Yeah, you are bored. So use your brain and your heart and your body to help others, not to harass folks. Here’s the report from our neighbor: Hello, Last night, just after midnight, a group of three teenagers rang our doorbell and pounded on our house for the fourth time. This time, we called the police and shared the video with them. They saw the kids and gave chase. I don’t …

    No More Late Night Harassment, Please! Read More »

  • Pima County informal review of stormwater legislation
    Within a complicated arena of multiple stakeholders and multiple agencies, Pima County is holder an informal stakeholder meeting to review stormwater legislation.
  • Aug. 26 PickPima: Celebrating small businesses with awards, new funding and more
    Some new Federal regulations for small businesses are kicking in. Hot dogs in the Sonoran desert. Nominate a small business. Get funded.
  • Arrest in the Neighborhood
    A Member wrote us: Today I had an encounter with a door knocker. I did not open my door to him, as he returned to the street I called out, asking his purpose and ID. Things escalated verbally. I called 911. Long story., later received text correspondence from PCS: he had warrants and was arrested in the neighborhood. I had a picture of him as well. Beware! He was probably “casing” the neighborhood. This e-mail was sent from a contact form on (, 2024-08-18
  • Census Bureau’s Opportunity Atlas
    The United States Census Bureau collects data to help us understand our world. Recently, they announced their “Opportunity Atlas”. The picture it paints tells something about us. Redder areas have less opportunity. Greener areas have greater opportunity. The image featured on this post is static. Check out the map itself, which is national and dynamic. I learned much there.
  • Neighborhood Real Estate Values as of August 11, 2024
    Courtesy of, here are the current real estate numbers for our neighborhood as of August 11, 2024.
  • HVHOA Board Meeting Minutes of August 7, 2024
    The attached minutes are for the Board of Directors Meeting held August 7, 2024. These minutes are now approved by the board.
  • Pima Parks Reservations Go Online!
    You can now go online to reserve facilities at Pima County Parks & Recreation. See more here.
  • PCFYI for August 9th
    Extreme Heat considerations, Stone Avenue restrictions, and more, in this edition of Pima County’s “For Your Information” newsletter.
  • Water Matters
    From Sweetwater to Gray Water, Water Matters is the newsletter of Tucson Water. Stay afloat in the swirling tides of water issues.
  • Trailer and ATVs Stolen
    Hope this finds you well 🙂 We received an email from a concerned neighbor about a theft at 8501 E Solar Place. In the middle of the night, Thursday July 18th, an ATV trailer was stolen from the front of the property. It was not locked down, so it was easy to hitch and tow away. After speaking with the owner (Dale Calder), he said they’ve been in the home for about a year and this trailer has sat in this same spot since then, except when they’re using it. He knows that he should’ve had it locked, or chained …

    Trailer and ATVs Stolen Read More »

  • Two New Items for Members Only
    We have added a “Member Only” page under “About Us“. On that page are two new items: a breakdown of property ownership in the Hidden Valley area, and an Interactive Property Ownership Map. The Map will likely require the Webmaster to enable it for you on a case-by-case basis. The post on the breakdown of property ownership should be available to all logged-in members. Please bear with us as we work to develop meaningful information for you. Your opinions of our tries and our successes are more appreciated: they help us improve.
  • Picking Your Neighborhood
    One of our neighbors forwarded this article. On reading it, I see why: It reminds us of the importance of keeping a good neighborhood together. Who we are and what we stand for matters. This is nothing earth-shattering: We are simply neighbors together, looking to protect and enjoy our wonderful environment here in the Hidden Valley area. See why supporting your neighborhood matters.
  • A New Feature: Members Only Pages
    Why? Why do we need more complexity? We don’t. But sometimes it is helpful to be able to get information to our members and just to our members… avoiding things going out to the entire world on the internet. Starting today, members with registered emails can log in to our website, and will be able to see information that non-members cannot view. Our starter page, “Where We Get Our Email”, is fairly unimpressive. But that’s because we want to make sure this is working for everyone who is interested. How do I log in? At the rightmost of the menu …

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  • Where do we get our email?
    Sorry, but you do not have permission to view this content.  Make sure you are logged in if you wish to see this information.
  • Kids: Find something useful to do this summer, okay?
    Last night, June 17, our Neighborhood Watch received this message from one of our neighbors: Hello, For the second time in 24 hours local kids have harrassed us. Last night they pounded on our door in the middle of the night (they rattled Don and Phi’s door as well). Today they played ding dong ditch as shown here:  Apparenly both of these are TikTok challenges, with the former designed to sound like a home invasion. I don’t know whose kids these are, but pretending to invade someone’s home could lead to them getting hurt. I appreciate your help in spreading the …

    Kids: Find something useful to do this summer, okay? Read More »

  • Greetings from the Welcome to America Team!
    The Public Library joins in celebration of World Refugee Day. We are all immigrants or their descendants. Think of what it means to have to make the decision to leave your home, your extended family and everything you know to be a stranger among the lowest rungs of another culture in a place you’ve never been to.