Mission Statement

P.O. BOX 31833
Tucson, Arizona 85751-1833


The mission of the Hidden Valley Homeowners Association (HVHA) is to represent the common interests of the residents of Hidden Valley. We are governed by a volunteer board of directors, which includes elected officers and appointed committee chairs.

We resolve to:

  •  provide and maintain Wes Miller Park for members and do everything possible to preserve this unique natural environment
  •  keep homeowners informed on a regular basis through the HVHA newsletters and emails and written communication
  •  be aware of legislative or regulatory issues which may pertain to Hidden Valley
  •  plan regular social events
  •  promote an awareness of neighborhood security and safety and encourage an active Neighborhood Watch program
  •  foster an active board and encourage member participation
  •  maintain archives of the organization

Note: a copy of the HVHA by-laws may be obtained by contacting the HVHA Board of Directors President.