April 2024 Newsletter

Dear Neighbors:

Our Hidden Valley spring picnic is Saturday, April 20 in Wes Miller Park. The festivities start at 1 and end at 4. Chef Pete Cinquemani (renowned in our neighborhood) will provide the main course. The HOA will provide cold beverages: wine, beer, water, soft drinks. We will have picnic tables with umbrellas but feel free to bring your own lawn chairs as well. Mary Ann Jacobs, the Social Director, will be sending a separate invitation describing the side dishes to bring. Keep in mind that you will need to keep your perishable offerings cool. 

We can use help with setting up – tables, chairs, umbrellas and also clean up afterwards. At our last event we had such a great group of volunteers set up and take down was a snap. If you are helping, please come at 12:30. 

At our April Board Meeting the Fire Chief for our district, Chief Karl Isslehard gave an update on the latest news about Rural Metro and responded to questions people had about fire coverage and costs of service. He also talked about the danger of wildfires especially given all the rain. He urged all residents to be especially vigilant removing weeds, brush and debris from their property especially that which is closest to our homes. Chief Isslehard also reminded us that Rural Metro responds to calls to remove snake and venomous creatures from their property. They will also change batteries from smoke detectors which may be difficult for some homeowners to reach. We are so fortunate to have a fire/ambulance serviced so near and so very responsive to our neighborhood. Thanks to Richard Flores our Firewise leader for arranging the meeting and all he does to promote fire safety in our community.

The downside of the wonderful rain mentioned above is weeds. Please “attack” yours so a fire doesn’t. Also, there is a significant amount of mistletoe around which should be carefully removed to prevent its infestation ion all your trees. 

We are looking for volunteers to host Saturday Socials. As you know these events are a relatively easy way to entertain. Guests bring their own beverage and a dish to share. The host provides the home, and serveware. What could be easier?

Our Annual Meeting is May 1 at 7pm at Pete and Linda Cinquemani’s. Rex Scott, District 1 Supervisor is our featured speaker.

This will be my last newsletter to you all. Felix Gafner is the HOA’s new President. It has been a joy to lead our HOA for many years. Felix will do a fabulous job. 

Still, see you in the neighborhood. Norie Nelson